mewithoutYou mewithoutYou - New Wine, New Skins

If God wills this time tomorrow
Bound for Boise via plane
Willful mispronunciation
Of my destination's name

I'd like to write a sequel to
The State That I am in

If God wills this time tomorrow
In the early morning rain
I'll unpack the boots I borrowed
And turn back the way I came

I'd like to write a sequel to
The State I am in
And I'd like to call the song
New Wine, New Skins

God's will or come what fortune gives
Or is this truly how you'd choose to live
Managing the narrative?

Come, unfastening android limbs
In the moonlight through translucent skin
Now we've both been there and back again
To the state that I'm no longer in

With carbon fiber lips whereby
Came thought reflex personified
Now a scorpion in the sky
Harmless as a butterfly

You can pin and mount me likewise

If you fail first, some warm, bright day
I'll unperform at your unmarked grave
And you can tell me what those eyes have seen
But for now the Creek-don't-rise routine

With churning engine, fix my head
Up north in the Gold Fork riverbed
From the misuse of intelligence
And all I wish I'd said pours out
New Wine, New Skins

God's will or come what fortune gives
Or is this truly how you'd choose to live?
Or is this truly how you'd choose to live?